The series of seven seminars are now complete and I am pleased to report those in attendance provided some great feedback. Thanks to Olympus Australia and Australian Geographic. http://www.olympus.com.au http://www.australiangeographic.com.au
‘I recently attended a photographic seminar presented by Warren Field. I understand it was sponsored by both Olympus and AG. I would like you to know that I was blown away by Warren’s presentation. Congratulations on a great initiative. There should be a lot more of them. Had I missed the Sydney event, I would have flown anywhere in the country to catch one. Excellent work!’ Bob Trlin, Sydney, NSW
‘Just a quick thank you note for your presentation in Sydney last week. It was very enjoyable and informative.’ Neville Fenn, Dapto, NSW
‘Just dropping you a line to say thanks for your talk last night. Informative and great shots!’ Chris Lee Photography, Brisbane, QLD http://www.chrislee.com
‘Kane here from the Brisbane seminar, thanks for taking the time to chat afterwards. It was a great seminar, your work is great, love the punchy colour etc. Let me know when you’re next shooting in Brisbane.’ Kane Gledhill, Brisbane, QLD http://www.humanhabits.com
‘I came to your seminar tonight. I found it very enlightening. Lucky you talk quick because you covered a lot in your hour. I greatly enjoyed your photographs – I was definitely there for the “Gear is Good, Vision is Better” part. It will inspire me to do better and plan ahead better next time I’m on a trip. ‘ Glenn Flower, Brisbane, QLD
‘Thanks for the talk in Canberra…enjoyed the insight into the life of a photographer. I thought that you spoke most comfortably and naturally, always the sign of a good speaker. I would not have been alone in the room by saying that I am envious of the lifestyle your work provides, I also enjoyed many of your images abroad. Thanks again for sharing the many little insights, which are the things I find personally invaluable.’ Jim Corbett, Canberra, ACT
‘I thought I would take the time to say thank you for the seminar you presented in Adelaide this week. As another Olympus DSLR user I found it refreshing to get an insight into photography that is not aimed exclusively towards Nikon and Canon.’ Troy Pudney, Adelaide, SA
‘I attended your Seminar last night, it was very informative. It was also lovely that you took the time to chat with me after, thanks so much. It certainly lifted my spirits and inspired me to get out there and take more photos.’ Paris Lee, Adelaide, SA http://www.photographybyparis.com
‘Thanks again for agreeing to look at some of my pictures. Last nights seminar in Sydney was very inspiring.’ Sarah Krigstein, Sydney, NSW