Veined and reminiscent of butterfly wings, I discovered these decaying leaves in a grove of trees in a park in Trat province near Koh Chang, Thailand.

Pic 1
Image specs: Olympus E-3, f16, 1/2 second, ISO 125, Zuiko Digital 50mm f2.0 Macro, white balance auto, manual exposure, manual focus with live view 7x, vivid mode, reversed tripod, cable release.

Pic 2
Image specs: Olympus E-3, f16, 1/8 seconds, ISO 160, Zuiko Digital 50mm f2.0 Macro, white balance auto, manual exposure, manual focus with live view 7x, vivid mode, reversed tripod, cable release.

Pic 3
Image specs: Olympus E-3, f22, 1 second, ISO 125, Zuiko Digital 50mm f2.0 Macro, white balance auto, manual exposure, manual focus with live view 7x, vivid mode, reversed tripod, cable release.

Pic 4
Image specs: Olympus E-3, f16, 1/8 seconds, ISO 160, Zuiko Digital 50mm f2.0 Macro, white balance auto, manual exposure, manual focus with live view 7x, vivid mode, reversed tripod, cable release.
© Warren Field 2011