Image specs: Olympus E-3, f11, 1/160, ISO160, 500 mm (1000 mm film equivalent), Zuiko 90-250mm f2.8 Telephoto Zoom, EC-20 2x converter, white balance auto, vivid mode, tripod.
Fast becoming my weekend escape, the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi province, although known for it’s rather gruesome wartime history concerning the nearby railway bridge (there is a war cemetery nearby), is an opportunity to relax.
I can photograph direct from my guest room balcony alongside the river when the light softens – quite fantastic. Keeping still and observing the insect life around has given me a familiarity with the native species of the area, is sublimely meditative and I am able to prepare my camera settings comfortably.
The two pictures, above and below, are taken with the Zuiko 90-250mm f2.8 Telephoto Zoom, combined with the EC-20 2x converter. The sharpness and colour characteristics continue to astound me.
I couldn’t get close enough to use the Zuiko 50mm f2.0 Macro lens (normally used for these butterfly images in the past) as the reeds were some distance from the platform I was set up on. The 90-250mm with 2x converter was very effective under these circumstances. The subject was focused at the minimum distance for this lens – 2.5 metres.
Image specs: Olympus E-3, f5.6, 1/320, ISO160, 500 mm (1000 mm film equivalent), curve work in channel contrast (Adobe Photoshop), Zuiko 90-250mm f2.8 Telephoto Zoom, EC-20 2x converter, white balance auto, vivid mode, tripod.