1. River Glaslyn, Snowdonia, Wales, UK
2. Nant Gwynant Valley at dawn, Snowdonia, Wales, UK
A week of walking in Snowdonia National Park, Wales, UK in glorious weather made for some excellent photo opportunities. Here are some examples from that week. I used the Olympus Zuiko 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD Standard Wide Zoom for most of the images: Pic 1, 2 (above) and 3 (below) which were taken as I saw them with little set up necessary.
I’ve included some black and white examples. In pic 3 I found b/w preferable to the colour due to the swirling effect of the water foam in the image below as colour on the day was quite subdued. Trees play a major part in these series of images if nothing more than the striking branch silhouettes and the reflections cast in the stream (pic 4).
3. Nant Gwynant Valley, Snowdonia, Wales, UK
4. Nant Gwynant Valley, Snowdonia, Wales, UK
The Olympus Zuiko 90-250mm f2.8 Telephoto Zoom for the landscapes (pics 5, 6 below) required more time to shoot. I heard the goose landing in the reeds of the beautiful Lake Dinas in Snowdonia early one morning and to get close enough to the shore to enable a reasonable size representation of the bird, I waded through boggy reeds setting the tripod up as sturdy as the ground allowed.
The field of oliseed rape or canola (bottom) was one of many blistering meadows of yellow common throughout England and Wales in April. I walked high in Moel Famau country park in Denbighshire, Wales one evening to get this high view of the landscape dominated by the canola.
5. Goose on Llyn Dinas, Snowdonia, Wales, UK
6. View of Oilseed Rape or Canola, Denbighshire, Wales, UK
See: warrenfield.photomerchant.net for further images. Gallery ‘Welsh Landscapes’.
© Warren Field 2011